Podcast: 'Mentoring as a key to growth'
23 May 2023In this podcast, Sara Wouters (Care Manager) and Wiet Vandormael (Mentoring & Coaching Program Manager at Artsen Zonder Grenzen) discuss the importance of mentoring, how to implement it in your organization, and how it takes shape in their own organizations.
Podcast: 'Mentoring as a key to growth' (Dutch)
Partnership TriHD and #ZigZagHR
This podcast is the first in a series in the context of our partnership with #ZigZagHR on the theme 'growth': it's a matter of wanting, daring, being allowed and being able to grow.
As our Project Consultants come first, we invest in their growth. We like to share our insights and experience in various interviews and podcasts. We are looking forward to your feedback!
More content on growth
We like to inspire you with more content on growth.
Four keys to sustainable growth
Eight tips to implement mentoring in your organization
Find out about our other podcasts.
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